On the trail of wood art and mining – Adventure hiking in the Erzgebirge


Hiking in the Erzgebirge means pure enjoyment of leisure time in a wonderful untouched nature. Deep forests with first class signposted trails, idyllic river valleys and airy heights. Enjoy the romantic mountain world with its gorgeous views – and all that without hard trying. The mountains of the Erzgebirge are stately, gentle and green, but not alpine. That makes hiking wonderfully relaxed even for the older generation or families with children. For those who like it a bit more demanding, of course will get their money’s worth as in the Erzgebirge you will always have the choice whether you want to go up- and downhill or take an easy trail on the ridge or walk along a lovely valley.

The region invites to numerous discoveries which can be explored on the hiking tours. Walk in the footsteps of the mining industry which shaped the Erzgebirge over many centuries. Old tunnels, visitor mines and magnificent mountain towns still bear witness the wealth of the region. Today nutcrackers and smoking men, wooden miners and angels, pyramids and candle arches carry out the message of the Erzgebirge into the world. In and around Seiffen numerous workshops invite for a look behind the scenes. Just move from one workshop to the other workshop and have a look over the shoulders of the hardworking artisans.

Many pretty inns and taverns provide a refreshment along the hiking trails and this in almost every village. Everywhere you can discover exciting leisure offers, which can be integrated into varied program on a family hike – from the summer toboggan run to the petting zoo. We are happy to give you advises and tips how to make a hike through the Erzgebirge to your very personally highlight.


„Badger instead of Dax“

with this slogan, the Erzgebirge and the Vogtland invite you to go hiking on Saxony’s most famous quality trail “Kammweg Erzgebirge – Vogtland”. The long-distance hiking trails connects the four holiday regions Erzgebirge, Vogtland, Franken and Thüringen. From Altenberg-Geising in the east of the Erzgebirge to Blankenstein in Thüringen, the starting point of the Rennsteig, the path is 285 km long and can be mastered in 17 day hikes. User-friendly markings, 40% natural paths, impressive landscapes in the nature park and hiker-friendly hosts are the best requirement for your hike along the Kammweg.

The path leads past our hotel only 100 meters. Seiffen is the destination of the 3rd stage. The next morning you start refreshed to the 4th stage.

… gleich Übernachtung und Gepäcktransfer buchen

Seasonal Holiday Special


  • 1 big bottle of water upon arrival on your room
  • our rich breakfast buffet for a vital start into the new day (daily from 07.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.), champagne breakfast on the holidays
  • bookable: choose your own lunch packet from our rich breakfast buffet incl. 1 big bottle refreshing juice spritzer
  • offers with halfboard as part of our seasonal culinary week
  • washing machine, shoe- and tumble dryer
  • various hiking maps, hiking sticks and binoculars
  • GPS tours and devices
  • detailed route suggestions for a varied hiking week with rest areas and attractions
  • Hiking shuttle to the boomerang hike on the Kammweg: We will bring you to the starting point – you walk back.

jetzt Reisetermin anfragen


In der Vorweihnachtszeit waren direkt vor dem Hotel ein Glühweinstand und Imbissstände aufgebaut. Somit sind wir direkt aus der Haustür in den Weihnachtstrubel gekommen.

Zufriedener Gast, www.holidaycheck.de

Vieles ist kurz zu Fuß zu erreichen: Sommerrodelbahn, Museum, unendlich viele Läden mit den originalen Schnitzereien, Freibad top gepflegt im Nachbarort.

Steven, www.ab-in-den-urlaub.de

Wir hatten ein Zimmer mit einer herrlichen Aussicht auf die Seiffener Kirche und deren romantisches Umfeld. Begrüßungsgeschenk. Hotel geschmackvoll ausgestattet. Frühstück sehr gut und abwechslungsreich. Im Lokal werden hervorragende Gerichte angeboten.

Uwe-Karsten, www.booking.com